Monday, February 22, 2016

Learning Outline for Genesis 1-2


Genesis:  The Beginning


        The first five books of the Bible are usually referred to by 3 different titles:
  1. Pentateuch
  2. Torah
  3. The Book of the Law
     All 5 of the first books of the Bible are attributed to Moses as the author.  Many Scriptures attest
     to this fact.
    Ex 17:14; Lev 1:1,2; Num 33:2; Deut 1:1; Joshua 1:7; 1 Kings 2:3; 2 Kings 14:6; Ezra 6:18;
    Neh 13:1; Daniel 9:11-13; Malachi 4:4; Matthew 8:4; Mark 12:26; Luke 16:29; John 7:19;
    Acts 26:22; Romans 10:19;  1 Corinthian 9:9; 2 Corinthians 3:15
    Here is Part One of our study of Genesis called "The Preliminaries"
Section Outline One:   (Genesis 1-2)
1.  God's Working Schedule (1:1-2:19)
     A.  First day:  creation of light (1:3-5)
             Where did God come from?
              Why are humans so bothered by the preexistence of God?
    B.  Second day:  creation of space and water (1:6-8)
              How do we see the hand of God in science and discoveries today?
     C.   Third day:  creation of plant life (1:9-13)
               What differentiates plant life from animal life?  Do plants have "a soul"?
      D.   Fourth day: creation of sun, moon, and stars   (1:14-19)
                Hold on a second...God created space on day 2.  Why did he wait until day 4 to create the
                sun, moon, stars, and other planets?   Can space exist without those things?  Why would
                He intentionally separate them?
       E.  Fifth day:  creation of fish and fowl (1:20-23)
                Hold on, what about the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs?
       F.  Sixth day:  creation of land animals and people (1:24-31; 2:7-20)
                 1.  The brute creatues:  livestock and all wild beasts (1:24-25)
                 2.  The blessed creature who is given tow things:
                       a. The image of God (1:26-27)
                       b.  The instructions from God (1:26-31; 2:15-19)
                              (1)  People are to rule over all nature (1:26,28)
                              (2)  to fill the earth with their own kind (1:28)
                              (3)  to cultivate and care for their beautiful home, the Garden of Eden (2:15)
                              (4)  to eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (2:16-17
                              (5) provide names for all the other creatures (2:19-20)
        G.  Seventh day:  God rests (2:1-6):  His creative work is complete and is pronounced good. 
                                    God blesses and sets apart the seventh day.
                       Is there a reason why the Almighty Creator would set apart one day of rest?  Is there a 
                       principle here that all humans should listen to?
II.  God's Wedding Schedule (2:20-25)
      A. The making of Eve (2:20-22):  Eve, the first woman, is formed from the flesh and bone of
           Adam's side.
      B. The marriage of Eve (2:23-25):  Eve is returned to Adam's side.  "This explains why a man
           leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife., and the two are united into one."
           This mark's history's first marriage.
                 What is the significance of marriage?
                 Why would God institute such a thing?
                 What about homosexual marriage?
                 What if one never marries?

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